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Movie Night
2001-06-14 - 10:35 a.m.

Well, last night was completely unproductive. Entertaining, but unproductive. After I got home last night, I checked the movie times and realized there was no way in hell I was going to be able to make it up to Alpharetta in time for the next showing of Memento. As such, I looked to see what was playing at the theater down the street and saw that Shrek was there. I've wanted to see this ever since I saw the HBO Behind the Scenes special, so I skedaddled my butt over to the theater to check it out.

I sat down about 5 minutes late, and believe it or not, they hadn't even reached the previews yet. What the hell is up with commercials before a movie nowadays? I guess I don't go as often as I used to, but I swear there were at least 5 more minutes of commercials, after I sat down! Then they finish the commercials off with a clip that tells us we should give to charity. Tell you what, movie chains, I authorize you to take 50% of that $7.50 I paid for the ticket and donate it to charity. I'm sure the guy next to me with the $6 tub of popcorn will agree as well.

I finally saw both the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings trailers. While the Harry Potter preview was sort of ho-hum (at least for me), I'm still curious as to how many gazillions of dollars this movie is going to rake in, come December. Considering how many people love the books, children and adults alike (yours truly included), I think this movie has the potential to become a top 3 grossing movie of all time. I'll have to remember this entry later on this year.

I know this next statement will sound like blasphemy to fantasy novel readers, but the Lord of the Rings trilogy, plus The Hobbit, never did all that much for me. I've tried reading the whole set numerous times, but I usually get bogged down and stop somewhere during the second half of The Twin Towers (or is it Two Towers). Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever finished the third book. I'll probably still see the movies since the trailer looked relatively interesting.

As for Shrek, it was a very entertaining movie. There were quite a few laugh out loud scenes, and the animation was about as good as anything I've ever seen in that type of movie. It should be interesting to see how Final Fantasy's animation compares. The only thing that bugged me about the movie was that I think Mike Myers was using the exact same accent as he used for Fat Bastard in Austin Powers 2, so I kept thinking of an obese, flatulent guy (though I guess Shrek the ogre was kind of like that anyway, so it's all good). Otherwise, I can't recommend this movie enough, if you're just looking for a fun experience. Now here's hoping they make a sequel, since there are plenty of ways they could do that.

After the movie, I came home and shuffled around the house looking for something to do. My roommate had just bought the special DVD edition of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and I watched that for a while, but then got restless and wandered off to my room. Since the cable doesn't work in my room for some reason or another, that leaves me with 3 main choices: PC, DVD, or N64. I chose to go with the latter and ended up spending the next 2 hours refamiliarizing myself with Ogre Battle 64, which I haven't played in at least 4 months. According to the save file, I've already put 36 hours of work into the game, so I kind of owe it to myself to finish the damn thing.

After that, I jumped on the Net for a while, and then crashed. What an exciting night, huh? Yeah, things are truly happening here in the foothills of Dunwoody/Sandy Springs at the Deal residence. But, I'm back to working out tonight, and I've got a party at my manager's right after work, so at least today should be somewhat busy. Not at work, mind you, but busy elsewhere.

Ho hum. Until next time, I guess.

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