last five entries:

Poof, begone!
My (lack of) budget and Christmas presents!
Holiday Ranting
I'm (With) Stupid

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Anatomy of a Moron
2001-11-07 - 4:54 p.m.

Good lord, there are some true dolts using Diaryland. Check out this sequence of events that took place this very afternoon. No names will be used since I'll preserve that moron's right to privacy. Unless they annoy me further, and then it's all fair game.

First off, the description of the this-is-me diaryring, as written by yours truly a couple of months ago:

This diaryring is for those of us who say to hell with anonymity and aren't afraid to slap our pictures up on our Diaryland sites. You MUST have a picture either on Diaryland itself or on a linked site.

Simple enough, huh? Well, I also have that ring set up so that I have to approve anyone who joins, just so I can verify that they do indeed qualify for that ring (ie, they have a picture posted SOMEWHERE).

Well, I had someone apply a couple of days ago, but because I've been busy, I just got around to checking it out today. There wasn't an obvious link to a picture on the main page, so I was in a situation where I was going to have to go through all her pages, looking for the picture. Unfortunately, it's one of those diaries that has a whole scad of ring graphics on the main page, so I didn't really feel like going through every damn page, waiting for each to load all that crap.

As such, I took the easy way out and sent the author an e-mail, asking her to provide me with the URL for her page, and then I'd approve her lickety-split. This was what I wrote:

Hey, in response to your request to join the this-is-me diaryring, I need to know where you have your picture on your page. Send me an e-mail when you get a chance with that info, and I'll approve you. Thanks!

Once again, simple enough, no?

Hmm, that's what you'd think. It turns out I assumed too much of the intelligence, attention span, or whatever of said person. This is the response I got a little bit later:

Justin, why do you need a pic so I can join this-is-me diaryring? Is that the whole point? I just go through adding myself to rings, I don't bother reading it. I don't have a pic on my page. Why so shallow?

Words fail me.

No they don't. One can only hope, nay, PRAY that somehow natural selection will find a way to eliminate this specimen before she has time to breed. If there's one thing that really pisses me off (other than those damned dirty apes), it's someone who is stupid due solely to being truly and blatantly ignorant. At least the kids on the short bus have a physiological excuse.

I can just see some of the roadblocks down the road in this girl's life:

"Well, no officer I didn't see that the light was red. I don't bother paying attention to the road when I drive."

"What do you mean I couldn't use a pen when I took the SATs? The instructions said so? I don't READ instructions."

And so on and so forth. I'm not sure how many teenagers read my journal here, but I hope that most of you aren't nearly as braindead as this missed abortion.

Am I being harsh? Maybe, but I'm sick of stupid people. They are a scourge on this nation, hell, the world, and we'd be a lot better off without them.

And in case you're wondering, I'm actually in a good mood today so this isn't just grumbling me. Just wanted to point out a crime against nature, thank you very much.

Okay, back to work, then a great meal at Maggiano's, and finally home, at which time I'll probably waste another 5-6 hours on Dark Age of Camelot.

I should do okay tonight...I already read the directions.

Until next time...

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